You might remember Ella, our labradoodle, who I’ve written about previously. Ella was my first baby. Years later, I had two little boy children, making my heart expand more than I thought possible. When my 4-year old son, Scout, began to draw, he would draw our family. A family of five, four humans and one Ella. Our family.
Recently, the day came that I always hoped wouldn’t. In a tragic accident, Ella was gone in an instant. Sorrow doesn’t quite seem to cover what I felt.
I called Pleasantburg Veterinary Clinic literally moments after I knew she was gone. The familiar voice of Pill answered the phone, and through tears, I told her what had happened. The kindness I experienced from Pill and the staff, and the knowing embrace from Doc on that sad day, helped create closure for us. Pleasantburg Vet offers a beautiful service I never had even known would be an option previously; we brought our Ella to the Clinic and left her with friends… and days later, we were able to bring her ashes home enclosed in an intricately carved wooden box. We will always remember her fondly, and her box sits prominently on a shelf in our living room, reminding us of the love and faithfulness she gifted to us.
I share my story simply to encourage you. Because you are a part of the Pleasantburg Veterinary Clinic family, you, too will always be surrounded by people who love and care for you and your pet—your family. And that cannot be found just anywhere!